Friday, June 13, 2014

Here We Go

This is arguably the third or fourth time I've attempted to start a blog, but it eventually has to stick, right? I have been hardcore social media-ing (instagramming, tweeting, pinning, vlogging, blogging and YouTubing) for a good year now, and I believe it is finally time to apply all I have learned from many hours of studying the art of blogging and acquiring hundreds of ideas, and make a name for myself. 

Blogging has been my dream for a long time now, and being sucked into the YouTube world only enhanced that desire. I don't even know if I have anything interesting to say, but we're going to give it a try. Who knows if we never try, right? I am an adult now, and I truly believe that this is a very critical and exciting time in my life for me to document my adventures. 

This blog will focus on beauty and fashion, food, lifestyle and the very honest ramblings of a college freshman. Who knows where this dream will take me... 

Please subscribe, and check back often. Here goes nothing!

All the best, 

Greta Elise

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