Sunday, June 22, 2014

A Necessary Getaway

Hello all, I apologize for not posting anything yesterday, I was still on my mini-vacation, and to be honest, I had no idea what I wanted to write about. It's a cold, hard truth about being a blogger- our lives aren't perfect, and we don't always wake up with some revolutionary idea that we can't wait to type out. It doesn't quite work that way, though at times I wish it did. Oh well, c'est la vie. 

As I mentioned, I was up at my family's lake house for the weekend with my cousin, aunt and uncle. It was bliss. I didn't want to leave. Wouldn't it be nice if day-to-day responsibilities and stresses and worries could just be put on pause for a week? (or two...) The lake house has a way of making you forget all the not-so-good things in your life, even if just for a weekend. The weather was perfect, and there were hardly any other boats out which is sad in a way, because it's such a beautiful place that should be taken advantage of, but this also meant that we had the water pretty much to ourselves. 

Sweet Salt Air is starting to get good. At first I was skeptical, because, like TFIOS, it was really slow and I didn't really see where the book was headed. I'm still pretty early into it, but I'm starting to love it even more. I received some Amazon cards for graduation, and I'm trying to decide on some books to order. Do you have any suggestions? I'd love to hear what reads are on your summer book lists. 

While I was sad to go (reality hits a bit hard around here) I was so thankful to spend such a lovely weekend with my family. We took our boat and jet ski out and spent hours reading, trying to get our tan on. The process is slow but sure. I hope to spend at least a few more weekends at the lake before I move, so that is definitely on the summer bucket list. 

I know this post is short, but I am trying to unwind and rest up before another long week, which happens to be my birthday week! It's hard to believe I'm approaching being one year away from halfway to forty. I'm getting old. Have a wonderful rest of your Sunday. 

All the best, 

Greta Elise

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