Monday, February 16, 2015

My Grateful Heart

Happy President's Day! Lent starts this week (it feels like it was just Christmas #amiright?) and as I've been reflecting on what Lent is truly about, I've been struggling to find things that I am grateful for. A rough weekend can leave feelings of emptiness and confusion, but these are the most crucial times to list down the little things that I'm blessed with. 
  1. Hot showers after a long day
  2. Morning classes being cancelled
  3. FaceTiming with high school friends
  4. Heart to hearts with my siblings
  5. A mother who uses emojis religiously
  6. Finally, an opportunity for a job (fingers crossed)
  7. Being able to sleep in until 10 AM
  8. Much needed girls nights (plus one boyfriend) cringing at The Bachelor
  9. Daily random compliments
  10. Bright red nail polish 

What are you thankful for this week? What has been keeping you positive?

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