Nearly every woman of age has (at least some) knowledge of the social norms when it comes to style and personal care. Ladies, please do wear underwear, don't not shave, and please, for the love of all things, never wear more than seven pieces of jewelry (this includes each earring and every hairband.) With that being said, here is a compiled list of my personal everyday style standards.
2. Thou shalt wear navy and black together. A lot of people have a problem with navy and black combos, but I personally ignore this rule and think that they can be pulled off when worn properly. There is nothing wrong with black leggings and a navy cardigan, Shep Shirt or flannel and I think it's important to know how to mix all the neutrals.
3. Thou shalt wear a nude camisole under white tops. This may come as surprising, but white undergarments will show through under white or cream tops. Don't make this mistake unless you're going for the boho vibe, and opt instead for a nude colored cami and bra.
4. Baseball caps are always appropriate. Bad hair day or not, whenever I don't want to deal with the wind, snow, etc. I throw on a hat and I'm good to go. They are so incredibly versatile, and look good with nearly any hair style, buns, ponytails, down or braids. I have a vast collection including Vineyard Vines, Southern Proper, Sperry Topsider etc. In my mind, hats are a simple way to either make a statement or tone an outfit down, depending on how you wear them.
5. Thou shalt never have chapped lips. Please. Get. Some. Balm. On. Those. Bad. Boys. It's almost Valentine's Day, and chances are, you have a special (or maybe not so special) someone you're bound to lock lips with. Nobody wants dry, cracked and peeling lips. EW. When it comes to chapstick, lipstick, lip gloss and extreme ultra moisturizing lip repair stuff, my collection is overwhelming. I admit I cannot count them all on two hands. I know, it's a problem, but even if you never have a lick of makeup on, especially during the god-awful winter months, I'm begging you, slather some lip sh*t on.
6. Thou shalt never wear underwear that shows through leggings. Do I even need to explain this one? Just please no.
7. Thou shalt know when to wear which boots. Riding boots are acceptable during fall and winter with leggings, cords, jeans and khakis. With the right skirt, certain pairs can be pulled off, but I generally stay away from that look; if you like it and can pull it off, that's fab. Snow boots (by snow boots I mean these or these) should be worn in the snow or if it is bitter cold. 50º does not mean bitter cold. These look great with leggings or any other pants tucked into them, but never wear flare jeans over the sides because that right there is social suicide. Rain boots are a smart choice for very wet climates, especially in the winter and spring months, but keep in mind that if there is a large amount of snow, sleet, freezing rain or otherwise, rain boots are a surefire way to guarantee you slip and fall. As I mentioned above, I wear my Sperrys year round (even in negative temperatures) because my feet don't get cold, they are comfortable and supportive, and they have incredible traction. I have never slipped when wearing Sperrys, even if I'm walking on pure ice. For me, UGGS are just no. Never. Ever.
9. Thou shalt accessorize appropriately. My go-to accessories are a simple gold watch, scarves, sunglasses or a statement necklace; never all at once, and not every day. Don't overdo it. If your earrings have gold accents, your necklace and watch should as well. Don't wear clashing metals... it can come off as tacky. And don't over-accessorize, sometimes simple is best.
10. Thou shalt take the time to do thy makeup. I get it, sometimes you don't have time for a full face, sometimes you simply don't have the need. I get up early for 8 AM class every day except Monday, and I like to be ready for the day by the time I walk out my door. Even if I end up throwing my hair up in a hat, I have a nice face on, a spritz of perfume and a roll of deodorant. Do invest in some good products. They don't all have to be from Sephora, but there are a few pricier options that never fail. Save up, do your research, and invest in a few expensive products, then balance out with the ones that you restock every few months, like concealer and setting powder. Doing my makeup in the morning is enjoyable, and gives me time to mentally prepare for my day. Also, a fresh face and coffee in hand is the easiest way for me to feel put together.
What are some of your style dos and don'ts?
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