Friday, September 5, 2014

High-Five For Friday!

Hello lovely human beings of the internet, and happy flippin' Friday! It has been a crazy week over here in North Dakota, and I realize that I am posting at a rather inconvenient time of night, but I figured better late than never, and I felt bad for being MIA most of this week and all of last. Let's keep it together, G! I just finished writing a short paper that was due tonight, and my roomie is gone for the night, so I'm eating my favorite cookies and having a cup of tea and thinking about this week, the pros and cons, and what is to come. When I started looking around my room, I realized that I did indeed have some favorites this let's get into it. 

My aunt and uncle sent me a care package earlier this week (which was totally unexpected) and these babies were in the box. I'm obsessed. I don't even want to open them up yet because I'm afraid I'll use them too quickly. I may do another post just on the care packages I have received so far, what do you think? I have so many post ideas lined up, but between classes, sleeping, trying to maintain a relatively social life and sketchy wifi, I apologize for them being slow in coming. I'm not sure where my aunt (or cousin) found these, but I think I've seen them at World Market and Francesca's. So yeah, these happened 😍

My man-crush this week had to be Cary Grant. Am I right, ladies? He's the epitome of classy, gentlemanly, sexy and timeless all rolled into one. I just don't even have words. My sister and brother-in-law sent me both a Casablanca and Cary Grant poster a few years ago, but I never had a place to hang them up until now. Mark my words, they have both found a loving home on my walls. As the lovely Grace Kelly once said, they don't make men like Cary Grant anymore." *sigh* Read more about this babe right here

I've decided that in college, dry shampoo is going to become one of my best friends. I was skeptical about trying this out, only because I've heard that it's a real hit or miss with dry shampoos, but I knew I wanted to take a chance, so I picked this up at Target for about $4. Love love love. It leaves my hair feeling refreshed (what a coincidence) and smelling fantastic. It doesn't have any white or powdery residue like others claim to have experienced with other brands, and it feels lightweight without being sticky. 

I currently have three bags of dried mangos in my drawer. I cannot express how much I love these. They are the perfect snack and I usually munch on them while I'm reading or working on a paper. They're filling but still healthy, and they satisfy the sugar craving I seem to be having a lot lately. 

Fall is here! And with fall comes fall fashion! Woohoo! At the rate we're going, it's probably going to snow in the next month and a half, if not earlier but until then it's the perfect excuse to wear flannels and scarves and look cute (before every time I go outside I'll look like a giant marshmallow.) I ordered the blue and pink ones online from Old Navy and the black and white is a heavier flannel blend from Filson. 

So those are this week's favorites. I'm looking forward to a low-key weekend, finishing up some homework and kicking off the year with the first football game tomorrow afternoon! How are you planning on spending your fall weekend? What were some of your favorites this week? 

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1 comment :

  1. Those stickers are amazing :) Love them
    Great post
